Chapter 149: Fear Illness at School
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 149: Fear Illness at School

“The school keeps luring various kinds of ‘students’ in. Most of them are in school uniform even though they are adults. Students from outside will be gradually drained of their values. After they lost their values, they would be sent to Hostel Building 6.” Hu Biao silently pointed at the math building. “I’ll let you in on another secret. There is more than one rule here. It was not the school rules that cornered Yan Xizhi but another person’s rules.”

“Situ An’s?”

“I said nothing.” Hu Biao quickly shook his hands. He and Gao Ming hid in the dark as they moved to Hostel Building 6. Different from the other hostel buildings, Building 6 had no hostel manager. It was fully enveloped in the dark. There was no sound from it either.

“How does one enter this building?”

“The students who skip classes and don’t come back for the night have carved out a route.” Hu Biao grabbed the security fence and climbed. Finding the blind spot of the camera on the first and second floors, he successfully entered the second-floor balcony.

“As a security guard, you sure know a lot about breaking rules.”

Not everyone could take the route offered by Hu Biao. When Gao Ming came near the fence, pale shadows appeared in the bedrooms. The students in the uniform stood facing away from Gao Ming. Their heads slanted unnaturally.

“Ignore them.” Hu Biao knocked his baton on the fence. The strange students appeared to be scared and disappeared. Gao Ming climbed up to the second floor as fast as he could. Based on the student’s reaction, he felt like he had underestimated the guard. “Did you use your special power on them?”

“What special power?” Hu Biao looked at Gao Ming like he was dumb. “I put the students in my heart, so it’s natural for them to respect me.”

Bu Hiao opened the balcony door. He ferociously threatened the students in bed who appeared to be dead, “Keep sleeping, or I’ll tell the student council about your escapades outside of school!”
“Why are they so scared of you?”

“They are not scared of me. I’m their friend.” Hu Biao said

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