Chapter 150: Can You See What's Behind Me?
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 150: Can You See What's Behind Me?

Ji Jie prepared aplenty for this reunion. He rented the most expensive branded clothes and a luxury car. He spent a lot to buy the latest phone model. At 5 am, he took a carpool to the salon to set his hair. Then, he took the subway to fetch the rental car. Since he didn’t know how to drive, he even paid his older brother, Ji Fu, to be his driver at a price of 20 RMB per hour.

“Who wants to take Zuo Jun’s bus?”

Due to his limited funds, Ji Jie only rented the car for the morning. He planned to arrive at the vacation village and wait for his classmates to arrive. While they got off the bus, he would get his brother to ‘accidentally’ drive past the bus. Then, his brother would use the excuse of work to leave to return the car. His idea was good, but his brother got the time wrong. Ji Jie entered Han De Private Academy earlier than the rest of Class 13.

To maintain his persona, Ji Jie didn’t say anything in the chatgroup. Since he arrived too early, the teachers in the centre uniforms were not ready yet. Therefore, when Ji Jie and his brother approached the students to ask for directions, they were instantly detained by the student council and locked in Hostel Building 6.

At first, Ji Jie was anxious that he might miss the time to return the car. In the afternoon, the car was rented out to a movie company for a shoot. He didn’t want to delay their progress. However, after staying there for a while, he stopped being anxious. That was because he realised most of the students in the hostel building were ghosts…

“Why would you entrap your own biological brother like this?” Ji Fu was furious whenever he saw Ji Jie’s face. He smacked his brother’s head. “Which day is it already? Have you not found the way out yet?”

“Eventually, it’ll work out. I’ve always had good luck. You have to trust me.” Ji Jie hadn’t changed into his school uniform. He was still wearing the branded suit. After all, he didn’t have much chance to wear them in his daily life. “Yesterday night, there were people checking the rooms but something has

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