Chapter 148: Student Council Lair
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 148: Student Council Lair

“The investigation centre is split into three main departments: investigation, research and security. Could these agents with red bands be from a different department?”

It was hard to imagine where the headquarters acquired these three buses. They gave off uncomfortable feelings. They looked more like hearses at a crematorium than buses. The three buses parked near the math building, and all the doors were open.

A light mist wafted out of the first bus. Footprints appeared in the water puddle on the ground. It felt like invisible passengers were seated on the bus.

Five minutes later, a raincoat slowly crawled out of the second bus. The blood and flesh gushed into the storm. The rim of the cap fully concealed the person’s face. The raincoat exited the bus and entered the office building.

The investigators on the third bus only dared to get down after the blood was washed clean from the second bus. The driver in the east city investigation centre uniform led the way as he brought everyone into the office building.

“What was that bloody raincoat from the second bus? Is it the headquarters’s secret weapon or another one of Situ An’s pets?” Gao Ming wanted to warn these newcomers, but he knew they wouldn’t trust him. Compared to Situ An, these people had no reason to trust him.

“This should be the first batch of reinforcement.” Gao Ming compared this to the situation at Si Sui Apartments. “Without the presence of the God of Flesh and Blood, Situ An wouldn’t sacrifice these investigators. Bai Xian and Qin Tian should be safe for now.”

If no news came out of the school 12 hours later in real life, the headquarters would probably send in the second batch of reinforcement that was twice the size of the first batch. The centre had been tricked by SItu An. Any investigator could be sacrificed by Situ An for power gain. Gao Ming felt time was running out for him.

“The school rules are the weakest after the lights are out. Stiu An will use that opportunity to get more people to join his side. I can’t lag behind too much

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