Chapter 147: Reinforcement
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 147: Reinforcement

“My heart is crying, but you can’t see it.” Gao Ming handed Yan Xizhi’s letter to You Liang. He observed every action of the scary big ghost before him. The big ghost that was feared by everyone only had warmth in his eyes.

Yan Xizhi’s letter carried her concern. She hoped her children would not lose themselves. There were many definitions of a good life in the world. In Gao Ming’s eyes, You Liang had achieved that.

Sitting in the middle of the room, You Liang was the main character of this social experiment. Gao Ming still had no idea what You Liang’s power was. He knew that You Liang could easily drag him and Zhou Sisi out of the nightmare and shed the big dog’s disguise to reveal his true self.

“You Liang’s power has to do with the essence of humanity…”

Someone suddenly grabbed Gao Ming’s hand. He turned around and saw that it was Zhou Sisi. Her conditions were better, but she was still very scared. As someone who shared You Liang’s personality to a certain degree, she suffered everything. She perfectly showcased the helplessness of a normal person when consumed by the negativity of the world.

Gao Ming took out a paper napkin and wiped away the chilli oil on the corner of her lips. Because some time had passed, the oil dried on her skin. He dabbed it a few times, but the stain wouldn’t move.

“Thank you.” Zhou Sisi took the napkin and opened her watery eyes. She didn’t think much of it and used the napkin to wipe away her tears. However, the chilli oil stung her eyes and made her cry harder.

“The three of us used three different methods to experience the social experiment, but this experiment is not yet over. In fact, the experiment is just beginning.” Perhaps You Liang saw how hard Zhou Sisi was crying, or perhaps Zhou Sisi made many similar choices as he did, he reached out to help Zhou Sisi adjust the red badge. After You Liang touched it, the red student council badge stopped hurting Zhou Sisi. It seemed to become a part of her.

“Senior, what is hidden under this lab building? The two forces who fight

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