Chapter 119: Door
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 119: Door

“Keep the balcony doors closed after lights are out. If someone enters the room to check it after the lights are out, pay attention to their expressions. If they are smiling, leave the bedroom immediately.”
“Do not use your phones after midnight. Any message you receive might be wrong…”

The papers had many hostel rules. The rules were several times more than the class rules. Just memorising them would take a lot of time.

“This is not good.” Even Wang Jie, who normally didn’t like to study, tried to memorise everything. “We have Zuo Jun and Yuan Hui, the two unstable factors, in our bedroom. If they still don't come back, we’ll experience two more bedroom checks. In other words, we have to open the bedroom door after the lights are out.” Wang Jie said viciously, “What a pair of trouble!”

“It’s fine if they don’t come back. It’s more frightful if they come back after lights out. We won’t be able to tell if they are the real ones. After all, we don’t have a code with them.” Du Bai carried a basin and prepared to leave.

“What are you doing?”

“Get some water to prepare for bed. The cupboards have some toiletries.”

“Is it time to care about things like that?” Wang Jie grabbed the basin. “Our time is precious. The longer we stay here, the harder it is for us to escape.”

Wang Jie put down the basin and drew a simple map of the school. “I’ve heard from my family elders that if we fail to escape scary buildings after seven days, we’ll stay there forever. Our bodies will become parts of the horror.” Wang Jie’s elder was influential. They told their family juniors info that Gao Ming didn’t even know.

“There’s no point in hurrying.” Du Bai was not afraid of Wang Jie. They often argued when they were in school. At that moment, it really felt like they were back in school.

“I’m too lazy to argue with you. You can survive until now because you are assigned the same room as Gao Ming and me.” Wang Jie kicked the basin away. He was about to paste his plan on the wall when he heard the knocking again.

“What is it this time?”

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