Chapter 120: Headmaster is a Joke
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 120: Headmaster is a Joke

After reading Gao Ming’s message, Wang Jie wanted to give himself a slap. Every roommate had their own bedroom key. Those who didn’t have the key didn’t need to enter the room. So why did he increase the risk of death for himself?

Whether Yuan Hui was a ghost or not, it was already in the past. If that failed, Wang Jie planned to pull Gao Ming and Xi San to hide in the toilet for the whole night.

“Open the door! It’s me, Ma Tao! I’m not lying to you! The people will come to check the bedrooms soon!”

“We can’t open the door.” Yuan Hui jumped down from the bed to block the door. “Go back and stay in your bed. No one is leaving their beds tonight.”

Yuan Hui acted normal. What he said was for everyone’s benefit. However, if this person were not the real Yuan Hui, then everything would be very scary. After everyone pulled on the mosquito net, Yuan Hui could move freely in the bedroom.

“Open the door!” Ma Tao’s voice became agitated. It didn’t touch the door, but the door kept bending.

“Ignore it. If it has the ability to come in, it would have gotten in here already.” Gao Ming got down from the bed. Due to the God of Blood and Flesh, he could see things normal people couldn’t.

Holding the doorknob, Gao Ming looked out through the gap. His heart pounded. Blood bloomed around his chest. The blood capillaries crawled into his left eye. His pupil was pierced. The shadow couldn’t stop his sight anymore. He saw a large piece of rotting meat standing at the bedroom door!

It had no specific shape. The thing grew from meat and shadow. It had a human-like mouth. It seemed to come from the canteen. It carried a strange smell.

Was this Ma Tao?

Since no one answered, and the second bedroom check was about to arrive, the piece of rotten meat changed its target. It wiggled in the dark. Its body stuck to the wall and floor as it moved to the door of Room 1324.

“Brother Wei, it’s Mao Tao. Open the door. I forgot my key.” The familiar voice came from the meat blob. It sounded just like Ma Tao.

“Fatty, open the door. Then, you

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