Chapter 91: Earn Money To Protect You Better
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The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin Chapter 91: Earn Money To Protect You Better (Teaser)

Liu Ji awoke from his slumber.

After days of intense study, his mind was filled to the brim with spells and words in the common tongue so much so that even his dreams consisted of Yaine's teaching lessons.

Even though he had a deep sleep, he still felt a little groggy and disoriented upon waking up.

Maybe I should just turn into a potato and sleep… thought Liu Ji to himself.

The only issue with that was that he might end up sleeping for days on end if he did turn into a potato.

Glancing out the window, he saw that it was probably early in morning. His stomach growled, indicating it was the perfect time to get up and find some breakfast.

But as Liu Ji sat up, he was stunned by the sight before him.

All he saw was the bunch of muscled potatolings gathering around his bed, much like the seven dwarfs watching Snow White sleep on their beds. They were gazing at him with pitiful eyes.

As soon as Liu Ji got up, they all opened their mouths in unison.

Liu Ji's eyes widened.

And in the next moment, the bunch of potatoes were shouting, "Grandpa