Chapter 57: Times Change
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In Liu Ji's opinion, his previous life had been quite ordinary indeed.

Born into a typical family, he attended a regular public school, studied with average effort, and achieved moderately good grades.

His hobbies were reading comics, novels, and playing games—interests that might not even qualify as hobbies.

He would also do sports with friends, but he was only average, fitting the stereotype of the unnoticed player on the field.

Most of the time, he ate meals cooked by his mother at home. Occasionally, he would cook though he often messed up, like burning spices due to mismanaging the fire.

Like most others in his teenage days, he loved junk food but had limited pocket money, so he rarely treated himself to fast food. College life was slightly better, but he still mostly ate in cheap canteens.

In high school, he had a crush on a girl, but it remained one-sided. In college, he spent most of his time with his roommates, who all found partners, while he remained single.

It had to be said that there were many amusing moments in his life, but the passage of time had blurred them. Talking about family and friends made him nostalgic, so his storytelling became a straightforward, emotionless recounting of events.

However, this straightforward style suited Liu Ji's current level of conversational incantation practice.

While speaking, Yaine would give him guidance, and this practice progressed very smoothly.

Even though Liu Ji felt he was recounting meaningless memories, Yaine listened attentively, occasionally nodding or gazing at the fire, her body gently swaying.

Liu Ji spent about two hours telling the story of his life, from childhood memories to the celebration after his college entrance exams.

Though his story spanned nearly 20 years, avoiding mentioning family and friends left him with little content to remember.

When Liu Ji finished telling his story, silence fell once again, only the crackling of the fire breaking the stillness.

After a long while, Yaine exhaled softly, murmuring, "Sounds like the people in the

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