Chapter 56: We Can't Just Study Without Putting It into Practice
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The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin Chapter 56: We Can't Just Study Without Putting It into Practice

About an hour later, Yaine completed her proud creation: a massive stone jar several meters high. Inside the jar, a bone stick was tied, rigged with a mechanism. Once tugged, the trap would activate, sealing the jar completely.

That's right, it was essentially a giant mouse trap. Simple, yet effective on the premises that the things in the swamp were of the same intelligence as mice and that they couldn't escape from the jar.

Unfortunately, Yaine wasn't confident about either aspect, so she just planned to try it out.

Osar, however, hadn't expected Yaine's idea of "getting payback" to involve throwing this giant stone jar into the swamp.

It made sense, but it was far from what he had imagined. However, once they caught whatever was in the swamp, Osar would have his chance to exact revenge.

Unfortunately, things didn't go as planned…

Maybe the plan had been figured out, or perhaps Liu Ji's earlier fishing attempt had scared them off. After throwing the trap into the swamp, the group waited for a long time, but there was no reaction.

Still, Yaine remained unperturbed. Since the swamp creatures didn't dare come to the surface, and with woodlands nearby for easy resupply, they could camp here for as long as needed.

In any case, without understanding what these creatures were or how to deal with them, they couldn't continue to head deeper into the swamp.

With this decision, the group set up camp, assigning night watch shifts. They made a fire, ate, drank, and rested.

To prevent a repeat of Osar's incident, the night watch was paired, with Yaine using earth magic to raise walls around them, adding warning spells inside and outside the perimeter.

The first watch fell to Liu Ji and Yaine.

Yaine wanted to monitor her trap, while Liu Ji, who had an erratic biological clock, decided to keep her company.

In the quiet night, the two sat by the fire, listening to the crackling wood and gazing at the starry sky. For Liu Ji, who had lived his past life surrounded by tall buildings, this was a rare and beautiful experience.


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