Chapter 58: Main Reason Is Being Broke
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The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin Chapter 58: Main Reason Is Being Broke

What would an Earth a thousand years later be like…

Would people have developed a harmonious and equal future? Or would they be fighting over a wasteland?

Would rapid technological advancements usher in a new era of human civilization? Or would resource depletion lead to humanity's downfall?

A thousand years…

In the past, a thousand years meant the rise and fall of dynasties, the shifting of power. But Liu Ji couldn't imagine how much modern society would change a thousand years later.

Perhaps, as Yaine said, it would be a whole new world for Liu Ji too. But… it would still be his home.

Deep-rooted patriotism made Liu Ji yearn to see what the future of his homeland looked like. However, imagining was one thing; actually facing it required a lot of courage and determination.

To see a world that, though familiar, no longer held any of the things he knew… This was a daunting thought that made Liu Ji's heart ache just thinking about it.

He wasn't sure if he could be mentally prepared to face such a reality.


Even if he wanted to face it now, he couldn't.

The main reason was being broke.

While the cost of the return spell wasn't as exorbitant as the summoning spell, it wasn't something a bunch of wanderers like them could afford.

Moreover, Liu Ji believed that he should bear this "cost" all by himself. And he was probably the poorest of them all, with nothing to his name, and even the clothes he wore were given by others.

So, at least until he had the means, Liu Ji didn't need to worry about taking that step just yet. He still had time to prepare himself mentally for that day.

Seeing the complex look on Liu Ji's face, Yaine sighed.

Her teacher had once commented on the hero summoning spell. He said it was the greatest spell in the world, but some parts of it had a stench—the stench of arrogance and selfishness of the authority wielders that called for it.

Yaine hadn't understood her teacher's words before, but now, as she looked at Liu Ji, she seemed to get it.

She also now understood why her teacher had been expell

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