Chapter 43: Luckily I'm Out Of This Job
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The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin Chapter 43: Luckily I'm Out Of This Job

"Watch carefully. This bag contains the bones leftover from the roast lamb you guys had before." Myza raised a bag in his left hand.

"Mm." Liu Ji nodded.

"And this jar holds the blood drained from the lamb," Myza continued, raising the jar in his right hand.

"Uh-huh." Liu Ji nodded again, thinking that the contents might be made to use blood pudding or something similar.

"Now, here's a pit. All we need to do is…" Myza began, throwing both the jar and the bag into the sand pit and then covering them with sand.

Before long, a sheep skeleton crawled out of the ground. However, it now looked more monstrous, with sharp teeth, menacing horns, and spikes all over its body.

"Whoa…" Liu Ji involuntarily backed off.

"And if you smash this thing…" Myza said, punching the skeletal sheep in the face.

With a crisp sound, the skeletal sheep shattered into pieces and slowly sank back into the ground.

Then just a few moments later, the skeletal sheep emerged from the sand again.

"And if you want to get rid of it for good," Myza continued, raising his crystal staff and smashing the skeleton repeatedly until every bone was crushed into dust.

"So, you have to smash it this much?" Liu Ji's mouth twitched. "Good thing we're in the desert. If there was a city nearby…"

"A long time ago, a certain duke destroyed my homeland and killed my family for a mineral vein." Myza smiled. "So, I created this moon on his land…"

Liu Ji blinked several times. "Um… I won't ask about the rest. Did he die peacefully?"

"Rather peacefully." Myza smiled. "A maid he had tormented crawled out from his castle's backyard, biting a few of his servants to death. The servants bit a guard, the guard bit his pet dragon, and eventually, every living being in the castle turned into skeletons, including the duke himself.

"Later, his son came to personally burn him to ashes. Oh, and his son also turned into a skeleton in the end."

"Oh, wow, a classic zombie disaster." Liu Ji shuddered. "What happened after that? After you got your revenge?"

"After, huh… Haha, well, things

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I'm Really Not The Demon God's Lackey
Conquering OtherWorld Starts With A Game