Chapter 42: Can't An Army Work Instead Of Summoning A Hero?
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The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin Chapter 42: Can't An Army Work Instead Of Summoning A Hero?

On the surface, amid the ruins of the desert city, stone golems returned to the surface, searching through sands for the old city's stones, trying to rebuild it.

Liu Ji followed Myza to the surface. Gazing at the rather desolate and bleak scene, he asked, "Mr. Myza, what happened here…"

"While you were a potato, someone came by," Myza said as he led Liu Ji through the ruins. "You might not have felt it, but in fact, you've been a potato for over a month."

"Ah? That long?" Liu Ji was surprised.

"Yeah, your sense of time is indeed hazy when you're a potato," Myza said. "By the way, you mentioned you were a potato in the wild for decades, but my guess is that you were a potato for over a thousand years."

"Over a thousand years?" Liu Ji repeated in shock.

While it did feel like he had been a potato for a long time, Liu Ji thought that it was a hundred or two hundred years at most. He never imagined it to reach four digits.

"But… Even if I was a potato for a month," Liu Ji glanced at the ruins all around him, "who could have come and turned this place into this?"

"Who… How should I say this." Myza stopped, squatted down, and began digging in the sand. "I've probably told you before that you're a retired hero, right?"

"Yeah." Liu Ji nodded.

"Then, do you know what a hero's duty is?" Myza asked.

"Um… To save the world?" Liu Ji answered.

"Yes, that's what everyone says," Myza went on while continuing to dig in the sand.

"But, why? Have you ever thought about why the world has to be saved by someone from another world? And why does this unfortunate soul from another world, brought here without any preparation or understanding of the situation, have to risk their life for the whole world?"

"Perhaps those summoned were originally dissatisfied with their former lives… Or, at least they were yearning for a different life?" Liu Ji scratched his cheek. "Mm, I guess it's like that. At least that's how it is in the stories."

"Haha, what you said isn't wrong. In fact, it's the same in reality," Myza said, already having dug a half-p

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