Chapter 22: Turtling Like A Turtle
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In the ancient desert city, Girunini and Calidora were seated on a terrace, enjoying shaved ice. Unwittingly, they had been staying in this city for a week already.

Initially, they planned to explore the city to find a direction out of the desert, but under Myza's hospital care, their stay was prolonged.

It wasn't that they weren't anxious to leave; it was just that such matters couldn't be rushed. After wandering in the desert for two months, they were both physically and mentally exhausted. It was way too easy to lose track of time after finally finding a place to rest and enjoy some shaved ice.

If it weren't for Calidora's constant thoughts of Mervant and their companions, she felt that she could, like the others who had chanced upon this place, be content to stay for a lifetime, never wanting to venture into the desert again.

As for Girunini…

Well, in a sense, the two were rather similar. But compared to the skeletal creatures that only appeared during a blood moon, these orange capes were more troublesome.

Girunini wasn't a capricious person, that Calidora knew. If one day, Calidora told her to leave, she would follow without a single complaint.

But if Calidora never said so…

She would just be like this, contentedly having her shaved ice and would probably not speak up regardless of how many days passed.

This was trust and understanding, but at the same time, it was also pressure.

Gazing up at the sky, Calidora sighed.

Then, she suddenly felt that something amiss.

"Strange, where is the moon tonight," Calidora wondered.

"Moon?" Girunini craned her neck, then looked all around before exclaiming, "Eh? Really, where did the moon go? There aren't even any clouds in the sky!"

"Strange… Speaking of which, have we seen it at all these few days?" Calidora said, rubbing her temples. " I haven't been paying attention and can't remember."

"Uhh… That's quite coincidental," Girunini mused. "I haven't been paying attention either."

Calidora stroked her chin, recalling the strange barrier she had sensed withi

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I'm Really Not The Demon God's Lackey
Conquering OtherWorld Starts With A Game