Chapter 21: Air Quality
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Liu Ji and the others had been traversing in the desert for a full week already. During this week, besides dry yellow sand, the only other thing they saw were two seaberry trees.

Speaking of seaberries, Liu Ji didn't understand why Yaine insisted that he eat some; his tongue nearly fell off from the extreme tartness of those small fruits.

He wanted to spit it out, but seeing Yaine and Osar grimly swallowing, Liu Ji felt embarrassed to do otherwise and reluctantly gulped it down despite the sourness.

And this was despite him not feeling hungry at all. It was bizarre. Despite his stomach being empty all the time, Liu Ji hadn't felt a pang of hunger all week. This made him even more convinced that his hair contained chlorophyll.

While he wasn't hungry, thirst was a common plight for him and the others. Yaine rationed their water with extreme frugality; each person could only sip a few mouthfuls at designated times each day.

Liu Ji tried to keep the water in his mouth as long as possible to keep his mouth moist, but truthfully, it was a challenge. The scarcity of water nearly compelled him to swallow the precious liquid for brief relief at every moment.

Sometimes, Liu Ji thought perhaps he should have stayed at the camp, waiting for them. Their supplies depended almost entirely on the magical space Yaine maintained. If they had one less mouth to feed—his—they might even have had a surplus.

Whenever Liu Ji harbored such thoughts, he felt an added pressure.

I must find a way to be useful, he resolved.

Though, while he had such thoughts, Liu Ji didn't expect an opportunity to arise. After all, this accursed desert was just that, a barren wasteland with nothing.

But unexpectedly, just a day after he had this notion, an opportunity arrived.

It was at that moment Liu Ji realized that he had been mistaken.

The name "Desert of Burials" wasn't just for show.

Under a crimson, blood moon, countless skeletal beasts slowly rose from the sands, howling silently at the sky, revealing the true origins of the desert's name

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