Chapter 18.1: Lonely Old Potato
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Liu Ji felt somewhat ambivalent as he watched the wild peppers simmering in the pot. Truth be told, he had already experienced these mixed feelings when he cooked wild potatoes, but at that time, it was only directed toward the potatoes.

Having been a potato for so many years, perhaps he had developed some sentimental feelings toward potatoes, so it wasn't out of the ordinary to feel this way…

But now, Liu Ji realized he was wrong. Since the meal in the morning, he was aware that he could transform into many more things. It seemed that the various wild vegetables he had eaten in the morning had been added to that list.

And then, this ambivalence came. When chopping up these vegetables, he felt a mysterious twinge of phantom pain. And it was only toward vegetables; he felt absolutely nothing when chopping up bear flesh.

Could it be that I've been a potato for too long and have started to develop a sense of belonging and empathy toward plants? Liu Ji couldn't help himself from speculating.

That would be absurd!

After covering the pot, Liu Ji turned around, about to go do something else, and got a fright. Osar had returned at some point and had been standing just a step behind; Liu Ji had nearly bumped into him when turning around.

Osar realized his intrusion and quickly stepped back, flashing Liu Ji an apologetic grin, and then lifted the basket in his hand.

Liu Ji glanced over and saw that it was filled with wild vegetables and mushrooms.

The leftovers from yesterday's foraging were almost used up, and this timely supply would be a perfect addition to the bear stew.

Taking the basket of vegetables, Liu Ji smiled at Osar and turned to wash the vegetables, picking out some suitable ones to throw into the pot.

But as he washed the vegetables, he noticed that Osar hadn't left. Instead, the tigerman continued to stand behind him, watching curiously as the food was being prepared.

Liu Ji pondered for a moment and asked, "You, hungry?"

Osar scratched his head, then glanced over at Yaine a short distance away. The latter, h

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