Chapter 17: Stone, But Not Entirely
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The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin Chapter 17: Stone, But Not Entirely

Incantations were very fascinating. As long as one knew the pronunciation and kept reciting them, the person could very quickly grasp their meanings.

This understanding came from the inside—an internal realization—so once comprehended, the person could naturally remember the corresponding spells.

Liu Ji used to dread memorization, whether it was English vocabulary or geographical maps; such things had been nightmares of his during his student days.

So, when he saw those thick pages of "today's homework," he actually felt despair.

However, when he started learning word by word, he didn't feel at all tired.

The whole process involved just sitting with Yaine on the crisp grass, enjoying sunlight and the breeze while reciting each challenging syllable one by one.

The only less than perfect aspect… well, it was probably having his right hand still tied to the pole, his index finger pointed to the side.

Not too far away, Mervant was busy with some carpentry work.

Although they had already built a house yesterday, it was only the basic structure that was constructed. Last night, the three of them had simply laid some cypress leaves on the floor and made do with them as beds.

Yesterday, Yaine's familiars had finished processing the entire bear hide, which was now stretched and drying on a rack. Once it was completely air-dried, the warm fur would be perfect for use as mattresses.

Thus, Mervant was preparing to build some simple wooden beds and lay the bear fur over so that they could avoid sleeping on the floor.

Meanwhile, Osar had gone out to forage in the woods. While they had a large amount of frozen bear meat, it would be too monotonous without variety. Therefore, tubers, mushrooms, and other wild vegetables had to be gathered. If he was lucky, perhaps he might even find some ripe wild fruits.

The ingredients Liu Ji used for breakfast were what Osar had gathered on his foraging run yesterday.

Everyone was busy with their own tasks, and it was only when the sun was high in the sky that Liu Ji realized that the morning h

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I'm Really Not The Demon God's Lackey
Conquering OtherWorld Starts With A Game