Chapter 194: Noble Strategy
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Conquering OtherWorld Starts With a Game Chapter 194: Noble Strategy (Teaser)

Having followed the undead through the club district, bar district, casino district, inn district, and finally incarcerated the last group of inn workers in jail, the Weisshem security squad personnel were thoroughly exhausted.

With all the city police now prisoners, public order in the city also fell on these two hundred or so men…

After a brief rest and quickly consuming some biscuits for sustenance, newly promoted squad leader Jimmy Voss wiped off his sweat and pedaled his bicycle toward the city hall.

At this time, Indahl was shrouded in darkness, yet the city remained noisy, not from a bustling nightlife but due to the restless undead roaming the streets.

Just as Jimmy left the West Quarter and entered the road to the Central Quarter, a group of undead ran past him while busy complaining.

"The modeling of this city is awesome. There are details of everything."

"This is a proper main city. What the heck is our Exile Town. Even the spot where we gather refugees isn't that rundown!"

"Just that there's no quest points. I don't see a