Chapter 195: Undead Coin
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Conquering OtherWorld Starts With a Game Chapter 195: Undead Coin (Teaser)

Being a puppet lord under the Taranthan system was by no means an easy feat, as could be seen from the drastic transformation of Charlie Rex in just half a year. While puppet lords elsewhere might indulge in leisure and luxuries, such a notion was inconceivable under Yang's command.

Despite lacking real authority, one would still bear the full weight of a lord's responsibilities. Endless rural inspections, relentless surveys of public sentiment, interminable meetings, and intricate accountings. Any slip-up would invite Yang's scrutiny—an ordeal far from humanly bearable.

"Can I decline?" Tuttle Joe set down his cup of milk, his expression grave.

"Probably not," Rex replied honestly. "You know I don't have the autonomy to appoint someone on my own. Yang decided to make you the new lord of Weisshem."

A heavy silence fell in the room occupied by four individuals…

The city hall comprised three buildings: a five-story main building and two four-story annexes. The main building and left annex were dedicated to office spaces, while the right