Chapter 193: Taranthan Sweet Cakes
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Conquering OtherWorld Starts With a Game Chapter 193: Taranthan Sweet Cakes (Teaser)

As the undead calamities swept through the various seedy areas of Saint Joseph Street, Ji Tang and Zhao Zhenzhen, late to the scene, finally arrived at the gates of Indahl with the logistics team.

Since Lord Yang and Rex had brought along all the town hall staff and most security squad personnel, with a small number left to guard Weisshem, Ji Tang and Zhao Zhenzhen had no choice but to temporarily hire many townsfolk to help with loading and transporting goods. This was also why they had arrived so late.

After connecting with the town hall officers in the camp and getting an update on the battle situation, Zhao Zhenzhen, who was really adept at grassroots work, immediately reorganized the available officers into groups and issued new orders.

Over two thousand undead pillaging… or rather, conducting a targeted crackdown in the city, would inevitably cause unrest among the city's residents.

The undead were non-human creatures after all, and the brothels, clientèle, and gamblers that were targeted were all locals. With a basic sense of e