Chapter 3820: Essence of the Five Organs
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Chaotic Sword God Chapter 3820: Essence of the Five Organs (Teaser)

The Starflame Demon Lion let out a miserable howl filled with pain. It began to put up a fierce struggle with its colossal body.

But under the Illusionary Ancestor’s restraints, the Starflame Demon Lion was unable to budge the chains of order that pierced its body even with its full strength.

The Warring Old Freak was dazed by that sight inside the high quality god artifact. He was filled with both shock and amazement. He murmured, “The Illusionary Ancestor is far too powerful. Although this secondary body of hers is a Seventh Heavenly Layer Immortal Exalt, her actual battle prowess is probably even beyond some regular Eighth Heavenly Layer experts.”

“However, a major reason for why the Illusionary Ancestor is so powerful is due to her bloodline. After all, that’s the bloodline of a Grand Exalt. She possesses a natural advantage.”

At this moment, Jian Chen thought of something. He became slightly stern and said, “Senior Warring, I heard the Master of Profound Secrets mention earlier that the ancient pill he’s refining is prepared for