Chapter 3772: The City Lord’s Gift
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Chaotic Sword God Chapter 3772: The City Lord’s Gift

With a sweep of the senses of his soul, Jian Chen discovered various resources piled up in the Space Ring. There were pills, heavenly resources, various god artifacts, and various immortal crystals.

If he converted all of these resources to five-coloured immortal crystals, it would probably amount to seven or eight hundred thousand.

Jian Chen did not decline the offer. He accepted the resources. He still had several hundred thousand disciples cultivating in the Primeval Divine Hall. Their consumption each day was extremely startling, and virtually all of these resources had to be sourced from the outside world.

They had obtained a tremendous sum of resources from the Immortal Sect of Colossal Elephants, but the Sword Sect of Violet Heavens did not have any businesses or sources of income in the outside world. If they only relied on those resources, they would run out someday.

Afterwards, Immortal Exalt Tan Yu held a casual conversation with Jian Chen. As they spoke, he mentioned the Skyscraping Sword Scripture.

“The Skyscraping Sword Scripture has a total of one hundred and eight pages. Only after all the pages have emerged will the Skyscraping World be opened. As a result, if you want to enter the Skyscraping World, I’m afraid you still have to wait a little longer,” Immortal Exalt Tan Yu said solemnly.

By the Skyscraping World, it referred to the miniature world that the Skyscraping Sword Venerable had opened up.

Shortly afterwards, Immortal Exalt Tan Yu seemed to think of something. He could not help but smile wryly. “When I enter the Skyscraping World this time, I was planning to try and obtain one of the seeds of ways to help me overcome the restraints that have held me back for the past million years and reach the Third Heavenly Layer. With your participation now, it seems like my chances of obtaining a seed of ways has become extremely slim.”

“In my knowledge, whenever the Skyscraping World opens, it will attract experts from across the Immortals’ World, which even includes the ancestors of some peak

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The release rate is dependent on the author's release rate with the raws. If the author releases a chapter in the raws, then the translations will also release a chapter within 24 hours (capped to one chapter a day). If you want to know if there are any chapters coming, just ask in the discord server.
Recent update from author (Feb 14): Recently, the author has been going through a busy period of rushing around, so the releases will be very slow. The author expresses his deep apology for this. Once this period passes, he will revive the release rate. Thank you for understanding.
For the sake of convenience, I've included the corresponding cultivation realms between Saints' World and Immortals' World.
Deity Golden Immortal
God Daluo Golden Immortal
Overgod Xuan Immortal
Godking Nine-heavenly Xuan Immortal
Infinite Prime Immortal Monarch
Chaotic Prime Immortal Emperor
Grand Prime Immortal Exalt
Grand Exalt Grand Exalt