Chapter 3751: Killing His Way Over (Three)
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Chaotic Sword God Chapter 3751: Killing His Way Over (Three)

The destruction of the protective formation obviously alerted everyone in the Tiger Roar clan.

Members of the Tiger Roar clan emerged from various structures and dwellings. Their level of strength varied, but they were all beneath Immortal Monarch. Xuan Immortans and Nine-heavenly Xuan Immortals formed the majority.

At this moment, they all stared at the sky in confusion. They had no idea what had happened.

In Falling Cloud City, the Tiger Roar clan had been invincible for far too long. Their reputation was not limited to this city anymore. They were even renowned in the neighbouring immortal regions.

As a result, all these years of peace and security made it impossible for these clansmen to imagine someone would proactively attack them.

“Who is it? How dare you make trouble with our Tiger Roar clan!?” Shortly afterwards, furious roars rang out from the depths of the clan. The presences of numerous Immortal Monarchs awakened from their slumber. As they erupted like tsunamis, they shot through the air with resplendent light and appeared in the front courtyard.

All of the Immortal Monarchs in the Tiger Roar clan had been alarmed. Apart from the four that Jian Chen previously killed, there were another thirteen.

Among the thirteen, five of them were half-naked. They were bare-chested with only underwear as the undergarment. At this moment, they covered their bodies with the light from their cultivation.

But shortly afterwards, low quality god artifact armour covered their bodies, replacing their clothes and covering up their bare skin.

Down below, members of the Tiger Roar clan had already been frightened out of their wits. They basically never saw these great elders who virtually spent all their time cultivating in seclusion in the forbidden grounds. It was not strange if they did not emerge for ten thousand years, yet right now, so many had appeared at the same time.

So many great elders have emerged. Even if the sky were to fall on us, it’ll be forcefully propped up again.” Many disciples from the Tiger

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The release rate is dependent on the author's release rate with the raws. If the author releases a chapter in the raws, then the translations will also release a chapter within 24 hours (capped to one chapter a day). If you want to know if there are any chapters coming, just ask in the discord server.
Recent update from author (Feb 14): Recently, the author has been going through a busy period of rushing around, so the releases will be very slow. The author expresses his deep apology for this. Once this period passes, he will revive the release rate. Thank you for understanding.
For the sake of convenience, I've included the corresponding cultivation realms between Saints' World and Immortals' World.
Deity Golden Immortal
God Daluo Golden Immortal
Overgod Xuan Immortal
Godking Nine-heavenly Xuan Immortal
Infinite Prime Immortal Monarch
Chaotic Prime Immortal Emperor
Grand Prime Immortal Exalt
Grand Exalt Grand Exalt