Chapter 37 - Private Chamber Talk
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Blue Phoenix Chapter 37 - Private Chamber Talk

Leaning against the wall, Hui Yue wondered for quite some time whether or not Wan Qiao would let Li Meilin go. Being able to warn the citizens of the Siban Empire and giving them time to flee was something Hui Yue truly wanted to do, but it would probably be hard to convince Wan Qiao of this.

“Hui Yue, come over here,” Wan Qiao finally called for the young man as she turned her head and looked at the young man who had been leaning against the wall for a couple of hours already. Although the wait was long, it went by swiftly as Hui Yue spent the time talking with Lan Feng. The two of them were constantly discussing the pros and cons of a war, alongside what could happen if they allowed Li Meilin to return to her home.

It was highly likely that the Emperor of the Siban Empire would refuse just to hand over his kingdom to the beasts, and it was even more likely he would try to force the population to stay within the kingdom, as a kingdom without citizens was not worth much. Still, Hui Yue could do nothing but try, and so long as he tried his best he would not feel bad.

“For what reason are you here?” Wan Qiao asked curiously as she looked at the young man who was walking her way.

“I wanted to talk to you about your plans,” he said, intentionally being vague because he did not know how much this Lord Pan knew, nor how much he was supposed to know. However, as these words were spoken Wan Qiao nodded her head and looked at him expectantly.

Seeing this, Hui Yue understood that anything Wan Qiao knew, Lord Pan knew as well. Hui Yue could go ahead and talk freely.

“Since I am part human, I am not a big fan of hunting humans just for the sake of killing,” he started, his eyes serious as he analyzed the changes in expression on the woman in front of him.

“Although I agree that we need to battle their forces, I would rather that we release the information of the war to Li Meilin, and let her return to the Siban Empire. Let the empire prepare for war. No matter how they prepare, they will not be able to defeat our armies becaus

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