Chapter 886: Combination (2)
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 886: Combination (2) (Teaser)

The cultivators were all actually overestimating Tang Jie.

There were still about forty of them left, and no matter what, Tang Jie couldn't possibly fight against forty Soul Projection cultivators at once, even if he were an Earth Immortal.

But the combination of Reflections of Floating Life and the Stellar Net Astral Demon Formation had done a lot to solve this problem.

The number one strength of Tang Jie's Reflections of Floating Life was its ability to confuse truth and illusion, and its second strength was its ability to deal actual damage. Its weakness was that it was lacking in defense. But the formation allowed Tang Jie's countless clones to protect themselves and unleash their power. If his clones used up all their spell art uses, they could come out and draw fire to cover the real Tang Jie. In the end, they were all the same person, able to communicate and collaborate with a single thought, achieving perfect teamwork.

The Stellar Net Astral Demon Formation also benefited.

In terms of power, this formation was actually above R