Chapter 885: Combination (1)
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 885: Combination (1) (Teaser)

Rather than on his enemies, Tang Jie used Split-Second Youth on himself.

After using Split-Second Youth, Tang Jie used Nearby Horizon to appear next to a distant cultivator. There was a blur, and then his head was separated from the rest of his body. At this moment, he was still alive, his rising head still wondering how his opponent could be so fast as a hand swung toward him at an absurd speed, pulverizing his body and annihilating his life force. This cultivator wasn't an Earth Immortal and lacked the undying attributes of that level, so he died, slain so quickly that it left everyone else in disbelief.

A moment later, Tang Jie blinked again, appearing behind another retreating cultivator. This cultivator instinctively sensed Tang Jie's pursuit and hastily put up a barrier. As a Violet Palace cultivator, he could apply a barrier with a thought, but before the barrier could rise, he felt a pain in his back, saw a hand penetrating through his body, grasping a still-beating heart. Is that my heart? the cultivator wondered in shock. He