Chapter 875: Solving
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 875: Solving

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


In space, Tang Jie was still studying the ancient Celestial Maze Formation.

He was immersed in the secrets of the formation and had completely lost track of time.

The model in the Mountain River State Diagram had already gone from a simple board to a vast canopy of stars, all of which were moving according to some sort of mysterious rule, so complex that it might make one's mind explode.

Only when one looked at this dazzling display would one realize just how absurdly complex the Immortal Emperor had made this maze. Even with a map of the formation laid out before them, one still might not be able to find the exit.

Fortunately, Tang Jie had the Dao of Wisdom, and with its power, Tang Jie was able to slowly unravel this cocoon and find its secrets.

On this day, he was still calculating, and the star map within the diagram was approaching completion. Suddenly, a wave rippled through the space, which Tang Jie knew to be someone intruding. At this time, his connection with the original body had been almost completely cut off, and he wouldn't communicate with it unless it was something extremely important. Thus, he didn't know who the intruder was and took them to be the Flame Celestial Sovereign, so he ignored them.

But not long after that, Tang Jie found wave after wave of energy rippling through the space, and even from his distant position, Tang Jie could sense how terrifying the source of this energy had to be.

This was not a power an Earth Immortal could possess!

Tang Jie was astonished.

Was it not an Earth Immortal that had come?

Moreover, given what was happening, it seemed they planned to use brute force to get through.

He also knew of that Remote Antiquity fiend serpent, and he was surprised that it had failed to block the intruders. Tang Jie was alarmed by the power of these intruders, and he began to speed up his calculations so that he could get through the formation before these newcomers.

As he was calculating, the Heaven's Equal Sect was en

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Translator Notes

Tang Jie ends up offending the two biggest sects of the Vast Wilderness Continent. Surely they will be kind and understanding once he comes out, right?

Novel Notes

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