Chapter 874: Seizing the Crown
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 874: Seizing the Crown

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


Once the Heaven's Equal Sect had disappeared into the vortex, the Flame Celestial Sovereign got up and spat on the ground, privately thinking, I hope you all die in the mouth of that fiend!

As someone who had lived for ages and traveled the myriad domains, he would only grovel and let himself be stepped on if he was facing an existence stronger than him, and he certainly wouldn't be happy about it. But this was reality. No matter how old and powerful one was, when facing apex existences, one would have to grovel all the same.

Unbeknownst to the Flame Celestial Sovereign, far off in the distance, a person who had coldly watched all this transpire drew this conclusion.

It was Tang Jie's original body.

He had been watching the Flame Celestial Sovereign all this time, and this experience had left an extremely deep impression.

Cultivating the path of Immortality only had meaning when one reached the apex!

Otherwise, no matter how profound one's cultivation was, one would still be dirt under the foot of another.

The Flame Celestial Sovereign had just finished spitting on the ground when another group flew over. When these cultivators spotted the Flame Celestial Sovereign, they shouted, "Hey, cultivator over there, do you know what's up ahead?"

The Flame Celestial Sovereign was furious. I just ran into the Heaven's Equal Sect, so this can't be the Stellar Net Gate, right? But having already learned his lesson, he didn't act too arrogant, simply shooting them a cold glance before ignoring them.

Those cultivators laughed when they saw him being so cold. "Such arrogance? He seems to have a tough spine."

One of them said, "I'll teach him a lesson."

He threw a net at the Flame Celestial Sovereign.

The Flame Celestial Sovereign angrily thought, I didn't even provoke you. Just when he was about to shoot away, he noticed that the net looked rather familiar. Wasn't this the Godcatcher Net the Stellar Net Gate was so famous for?

Alarmed, he dropped all idea of resist

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Translator Notes

The Flame Celestial Sovereign manages to escape for now, but at least Tang Jie got a sweet new crown out of it.

Novel Notes

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