Chapter 870: Small World
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 870: Small World

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


Immortal Emperor Yu Cheng was a legendary existence of the Great Stellar Chiliocosm, the Dao-Proving Saint Immortal, the master of the Great Dao, the Immortal Emperor of the Myriad Court! This string of titles defined him as one of the strongest individuals of the Great Stellar Chiliocosm over the eons. As the vanquisher of the Primordial Fog and the founder of the Court of Myriad Domains, he was the object of admiration for countless juniors.

When Tang Jie had witnessed the shattering of the court through the Martial Mirror, he had wondered why Yu Cheng hadn't appeared.

When he saw this massive tomb, Tang Jie understood that Yu Cheng had been dead by that time.

The mighty Immortal Emperor had died?

And he had died without the slightest disturbance.

How had he died? How could he have died? Was even a Dao-Proving Saint Immortal yet to reach true longevity?

Tang Jie couldn't understand.

But he also didn't have the time to understand.

In the distance, the Flame Celestial Sovereign was still hot on his heels, his reserves of Immortal energy seemingly endless. Wearing that crown on his head, he shot toward Tang Jie like a fiery lightning bolt.

Tang Jie glanced at the approaching Flame Celestial Sovereign, that ever-expanding flame, and then he looked at the tomb.

There was a massive set of double doors at the base of the tomb, standing ten thousand feet high and etched with numerous lifelike images.

Shockingly, the doors were open.

These two giant doors had not been shut but had been left slightly ajar. Behind them was an endless darkness, like the maw of some beast.

Seeing this, Tang Jie rushed into the tomb without hesitation.

The Flame Celestial Sovereign also saw this. After some initial surprise from seeing the tomb of Immortal Emperor Yu Cheng, he laughed and said, "Good, good! Since it's the tomb of the Immortal Emperor, it must hold immense treasure. This Immortal tomb is mine! Tang Jie, by daring to enter the tomb, you're digging your own grave!

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Translator Notes

The Martial Lord and the Immortal Emperor seemed to have had a very complicated relationship.


Novel Notes

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