Chapter 869: Immortal Tomb
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 869: Immortal Tomb

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


108 divine treasures rose from the Myriad Yin Yang Furnace, radiating divine light.

This new treasure formation had only one hundredth as many treasures as the Treasure Cosmos Formation, but it was at least ten times more powerful.

Unlike before, these divine treasures could now use their true power, and they were further empowered by the formation. Although various limitations prevented Tang Jie from completely realizing the power of the Jewel Palace's Dao formation, only realizing a part of it was enough.

The 108 divine treasures lit up in unison.

The treasures danced and gleamed in the light. There was a fiery red sword firing off searing sun beams: the Primal Yang Needle. And here were two hoops of gold and silver, rapidly spinning in the air and seeming to make the world turn around them: the Sun Moon Rings. And there was a golden brush that seemed to write the laws of the world: the Spring Autumn Brush. There was also a sword that summoned tens of thousands of ethereal swords, creating an endless river of sword energy: the Myriad Immortals Sword. Here was a tree of jewels, its branches seemingly swaying among the stars and its fragrance washing over the world: the Ink Fragrance Tree. There was also a giant golden stamp that suppressed the world, a jade toad that swallowed wind and spat out fog, a glass pearl that radiated star light, phoenixes dancing, and dragons roaring.

All of these treasures created their various phenomena, each one its unique existence with its immense power that would make others fight over it. Now, they were all joined together, and if an Immortal had been controlling them, they could have unleashed an even greater power.

Their powers merged together into a sacred river of energy that surged toward the Flame Celestial Sovereign.

The Flame Celestial Sovereign found that he couldn't resist this enormous pressure.

Unwilling to take on this attack directly, he hastily retreated.

This was the first time Tang Jie had pushed the Fl

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Translator Notes

The Immortal Emperor's tomb! Does that mean he's dead? Or is the tomb just a ruse?

Novel Notes

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