Chapter 871: Otherworldly Paradise
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 871: Otherworldly Paradise

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


It was difficult to describe a small world in words.

For a cultivator, a small world was both past and future, the ruiner of wealth and the foundation of prosperity, the beginning of the Great Dao and the end of the Great Dao!

It was an object of both love and hatred.

It was loved because the small world was the most worthwhile investment one could find.

It was a real world that truly belonged to oneself, and it could offer the owner endless wealth in the future. For example, the Martial Lord's hidden realm could serve as a base for resources, a land for raising fiends, a Mustard Seed Bag of infinite capacity, or even a place to comprehend the Great Dao.

But it also required boundless investment, and until it was nurtured to maturity, it was basically useless.

Tang Jie had stuffed an endless amount of resources into his own giant Mustard Seed Bag, and the only time he had really used it was in his battle with the Blood River Lord. At the time, he had been able to wield the power of Violet Palace while still at Celestial Heart, which was quite refreshing, but the consequences on the small world had been severe, and he had needed to double the resources he had used.

Even now, his small world had just developed a basic system, and for the sake of its future development, he was very unwilling to use it. In comparison, the Jewel Immortal Sovereign's small world had shallow foundations which didn't require much investment, so she was able to quickly put it to work. Of course, this meant that its power was limited. Still, Tang Jie had just barely managed to emerge victorious in their battle.

He hadn't expected to see a whole small world turned into a tomb.

This small world was brimming with life, more like an otherworldly paradise than a tomb. From a distance, he could even make out someone belting out a song as they rowed their boat.

Tang Jie flew in the direction of this sound and soon saw a village. These villagers seemed to be in the middle of a festival,

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Translator Notes

The Immortal Emperor just decided to put a bunch of random mortal villagers in his small world? Very strange. What exactly was their purpose? 

Novel Notes

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