Chapter 849: Gathering
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 849: Gathering

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


The Vast Wilderness Continent, the Mistcrown Vault.

This was a region of rainbow skies, as if all the colors in the world had gathered here to create the most enchanting glow.

But what created this multicolored light was the most dangerous thing in this world.

Golden winds that flayed to the bone, chilling winds brimming with wickedness, lethal ghostly winds, black winds that ate away at the flesh—any kind of dangerous wind that one could imagine was found here. They were mixed together in this place, intertwining and merging, forming dangerous clouds and perilous torrents. They formed a region in the skies of the Vast Wilderness Continent called the Forbidden Death Zone.

These were the Domain Astral Winds of the Vast Wilderness Continent!

Unlike Verdant Cloud, Blood River, or Rosecloud, the Domain Astral Winds of the Vast Wilderness Continent were divided into two parts. One part was the ordinary Astral Winds, passable so long as one was at Immortal Platform, through which one could access the endless void.

But there was another section of the Astral Winds, these rainbow Astral Winds located in the center of the continent called the Forbidden Death Zone.

Worth noting was that these Astral Winds could not be seen from the void.

If one entered the void and looked back at the Vast Wilderness Continent, they would find that the area of the Forbidden Death Zone was perpetually black, all color disappearing.

This strange phenomenon had attracted the interest of countless people, and in the past some great Titans had attempted to test the limits of this region. But none of them returned. The rainbow Astral Wind region was like a terrifying behemoth. There was no problem with lingering next to its mouth, but recklessly going in was seeking death!

In this Astral Wind region floated an immense structure. No matter how the Astral Flames blasted it, it refused to fall, exuding an ancient and supreme majesty amidst the rainbow winds.

The Court of Myriad Domains!

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Translator Notes

Surely Reverend Whitestone has no ulterior motives in gathering all these wandering cultivators for an extremely dangerous trip.

Novel Notes

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