Chapter 846: Open Positions
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 846: Open Positions

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


Yun Tianlan had become a True Immortal twenty years after Tang Jie's departure. It was a little later than planned, but not too great of a deviation.

With Yun Tianlan becoming a True Immortal, the Basking Moon Sect immediately rose to become the true leader of Rosecloud.

Back when the Seven Absolutions Sect and the Basking Moon Sect had joined together to attack Godhead Palace, the Basking Moon Sect had asked for the Divine Will Golden Body while the Seven Absolutions Sect had gotten to plunder all of Godhead Palace. At the time, the Seven Absolutions Sect felt like it had gotten the much better end of the deal and had already made ready to assume hegemony. And in reality, they truly had managed to thrive and prosper, producing more geniuses like Wang Juemie.

But Yun Tianlan's breakthrough immediately turned all of the Seven Absolutions Sect's ambitions to nothing. Only then did they realize just how big of an opportunity they had missed out on.

Despite their frustrations, after learning of this matter, the Seven Absolutions Sect still immediately congratulated the Basking Moon Sect and yielded to its supremacy. Thanks to their past collaboration, the Basking Moon Sect happily accepted the Seven Absolutions Sect's fealty and tribute.

On the other end, the Thousand Passions Sect had already sought to restore relations with the Basking Moon Sect. They had been deeply displeased over how the Basking Moon Sect had worked with the Seven Absolutions Sect and Horizon Ocean Pavilion and gradually grown distant, but now that a True Immortal had emerged, the Thousand Passions Sect could no longer remain so cold. Given their past thousand years of friendship, everything was fine so long as they were willing to bow their head.

Finally, there was Horizon Ocean Pavilion. Relations between this sect and the Basking Moon Sect actually could not be considered good, but the relationship between Xu Miaoran and Tang Jie meant that the two sects could never be opposed. Cruciall

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Translator Notes

Everyone's fighting for the opportunity to go to the Court of Myriad Domains, but Xu Miaoran gets a free spot, and even a free promotion to Violet Palace!

Novel Notes

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