Chapter 847: World Furnace
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 847: World Furnace

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


Heavenly Balance Mountain.

This former battlefield of Celestial Sovereigns had now become Tang Jie's private property. An enormous formation had turned it into a giant furnace. High mountains of violet gold formed the sides, and the inner valley was covered in formation lines and blazed with flames.

From a distance, the place really did seem like a massive furnace.

Within the valley, a man and a woman, both completely naked, were seated facing each other.

It was Tang Jie and Xu Miaoran.

Despite the fact that they were completely naked, there was no hint of lust on either of their faces.

Tang Jie was constantly striking Xu Miaoran's body with his palm, each strike creating a hissing noise and causing blood to rush to Xu Miaoran's face before rapidly fading.

After a long while, Tang Jie finally stopped.

Xu Miaoran let out a long breath, and then she slowly collapsed onto Tang Jie's chest.

The look of suffering was gone from her face, and she was now bashfully blushing. "My husband is truly capable. Your wife truly does feel that her Divine Soul has gotten stronger."

Tang Jie smiled. "I learned this method in the Vast Wilderness Continent. Big places are different like that, home to all kinds of secret techniques and arts. It's no wonder they have so many Violet Palace and Immortal Platform experts. With this Soul-Stirring Hand, the Peaceful Divine Abode Classic, the Divine Genesis Immortal Ascension Formation, and Horizon Ocean Pavilion's secret arts, your chances of succeeding are forty to fifty percent."

Xu Miaoran replied, "I've already refined the Triflora Divine Incense, but alas, I didn't have enough resources to refine the Supreme Imperial Jadefall Pill. However, I did manage to create the slightly inferior Heavenly Jasper Mansion Pill. The two of them together can raise my chances by twenty percent."

"I'll also adjust your fortune, which can bring your chances to at least seventy percent. Seventy percent…" Tang Jie sighed. "Although it's still a

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Translator Notes

Tang Jie really acting like a god right now, forging an entire mountain into his personal furnace!

Novel Notes

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