Chapter 842: Time
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 842: Time

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


With the wave of a finger, a beautiful maiden was transformed into an ugly peasant woman with pronounced cheeks, protruding lips, and a flattish nose.

Drawing back his finger, Tang Jie was still dissatisfied, so he also made Ice Phoenix's skin rough and jaundiced. Only then did he draw his hand back in satisfaction and fly off.

After a few moments, Ice Phoenix cried out in anger, "Tang Jie, what sort of awful thing did you turn me into?"

Tang Jie smugly congratulated himself, considering this revenge for her previous treachery. He threw his head back and roared in laughter, after which he waved his hand and transformed Yiyi, but keeping her beautiful, and then himself into an elegant scholar. Taking Yiyi by the hand, he flew off, ignoring Ice Phoenix.

Ice Phoenix stomped her feet in anger, but there was nothing she could do but follow.

Now that he had changed appearance and had Ice Phoenix obediently following him, Tang Jie found himself in no rush to head to the West Bull Divine State.

This was because he realized that rushing off to the West Bull Divine State to free Ice Phoenix from her demonhood was a mistake from the beginning. It was precisely because he was in such a rush to help Ice Phoenix that she had been able to cause so much trouble.

Sometimes, that was just how things were. The more you thought for someone's sake, the less they appreciated your kindness, perhaps even thought you were being malicious.

Placing oneself on the balance wasn't conducting good business.

With this lesson, Tang Jie had an idea to stop trying to free Ice Phoenix from demonhood.

Thus, Tang Jie was no longer in a rush and decided to casually stroll about.

The abundant lands of the Vast Wilderness Continent were full of scenic sights.

Tang Jie was a hick from the countryside that was the Rosecloud Domain, entering the wider world for the first time, so he couldn't help but be dazzled. Thus, he and Yiyi had a grand old time playing around.

But Ice Phoenix wasn't as h

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Translator Notes

Thanks to the generous city lord, Tang Jie finally made an advance in the Dao of Time!

Novel Notes

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