Chapter 843: Star Radiant Gate
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 843: Star Radiant Gate

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


"What is this?" Yiyi curiously asked.

And then she found that even her talking had gotten slower.

It was just three words, but they came out of her mouth one by one. Her mind and body had become unsynchronized, and everything around her slowed down.

She looked at Tang Jie in shock as he made his way over.

He was just casually strolling over, but to Yiyi, it appeared as if he had moved instantly to her side.

She then saw Tang Jie open his mouth as if he was speaking, but the sound was condensed into shrill noise in her ears, so Yiyi could only guess that Tang Jie was calling out her name.

Staring at Tang Jie, she struggled out, "Big… Bro…ther… Let… me… go…"

She could already tell that this was Tang Jie's ability, so she shouted loudly.

Tang Jie chuckled and waved his hand again, upon which Yiyi felt like she had returned to reality.

Looking around, she found that everything was normal, as if nothing had happened.

"Big Brother, what ability did you use just now?" Yiyi asked Tang Jie in alarm.

Tang Jie smiled. "It was nothing. I just slowed the flow of Time around you."

The Dao of Time let one revisit the past and peer into the future, but it also allowed changing the flow of Time, making it faster or slower.

Just now, Yiyi had been experiencing a slowed flow of time.

"I see. Isn't this like the Eternity Sarcophagus?" Yiyi exclaimed.

Yes, this was the function of the Eternity Sarcophagus.

But the Eternity Sarcophagus could only be used on the objects within it, whereas Tang Jie could designate any target, making it much more flexible. However, the Eternity Sarcophagus's effect was constant, whereas Tang Jie's effect lasted for only an instant, which made it much less effective.

The delayed attack was Tang Jie's first drop of water, Origin Return was the second drop, and the Dao Standard within the Eternity Sarcophagus was the third drop.

It was this third drop of water that had helped Tang Jie enter the Dao of Time.

Yiyi excitedly said, "Oh, that'

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Translator Notes

Damn, Tang Jie even bribed the dude, and the guy he's looking for isn't even here.

Novel Notes

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