Chapter 841: Giving Up
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 841: Giving Up

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


After leaving Guanshan City, Tang Jie's group flew for a while, Tang Jie remaining grim and pensive the entire way.

Ice Phoenix was worried by his behavior, asking, "Hey, what are you thinking that has you so out of it?"

Tang Jie looked up at the sky and casually said, "I'm thinking about why you did such a thing."

"What do you mean, 'why'?" Ice Phoenix acted like she didn't know what he was talking about.

Tang Jie glanced at her and sighed. "You know what I'm talking about. You wouldn't bite that man for no reason."

"Perhaps I just wanted to give you some trouble?" Ice Phoenix smiled.

Tang Jie shook his head. "Don't try this sort of lie on me. It's too low-class. If I were so easily tricked by you, I wouldn't be me. Although I don't quite understand what sort of method you used, I'm sure that the trouble you could bring me wouldn't be something as small as that… Perhaps you've already exposed your identity."

Ice Phoenix's face twitched, and her voice grew softer. "How could that be? How could I do such a thing?"

After seeing her guilty expression, Tang Jie sighed, knowing that he had guessed correctly.

"Was it that mouthful of blood?" he asked. "I didn't think that after I sealed all your strength, you would still be able to force out a sliver of demon blood. In the end, I underestimated your abilities."

Yiyi was startled. "Big Brother, are you saying she revealed that she was a demon? But why would she do such a thing? Isn't that just causing trouble for herself?"

Tang Jie laughed. "If demons were reasonable, they wouldn't be demons. Trying to use human sense to comprehend demon sense is a fundamental mistake. It's because I didn't understand it before that I made this error. Ice Phoenix… you are no longer Ice Phoenix, but Demon Phoenix!"

Ice Phoenix scowled. "What do you understand? Demons are all about being true to yourself! Letting your nature guide you and not acting fake. If you're not free, it would be better to die! Tang Jie, you deceived my

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Translator Notes

In the end, Tang Jie's sense of guilt can only be exploited so much, and Ice Phoenix finally crossed that line. No more Mr. Nice Tang Jie!

Novel Notes

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