Chapter 816: Battle Against Soul Projection (5)
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 816: Battle Against Soul Projection (5)

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


Among the six major sects of the Rosecloud Domain, Horizon Ocean Pavilion was publicly acknowledged as the sect most proficient in the Dao of Space.

Their founding ancestor had been an Immortal Platform Titan who had entered the Dao of Space, so their foundational arts had been established on the Dao of Space. Their first Dao armament, Horizon Ocean Pavilion, was also a Space Dao armament, and their Oceancrosser Step was the Rosecloud Domain's number one movement art because it could be combined with the Dao of Space. Only someone who used the Oceancrosser Step after comprehending the Dao of Space could be considered to be using the true Oceancrosser Step.

The message talisman that Xu Miaoran and Tang Jie had used to establish their romantic relationship had also been closely linked to the Dao of Space. Horizon Ocean Pavilion had been far more creative than one could imagine in this aspect. Whether it was their Dao armaments, arts, or Divine Connections, they were all connected to the Dao of Space in some way.

People had long ago speculated that the Dao Art that the Jewel Immortal Sovereign had kept a secret this whole time had to be from the Dao of Space, but nobody knew the exact details of this Dao Art.

Perhaps it was some Dao Art that allowed her to move around undetected, or maybe it hid her in the endless void, or it could let her travel freely through the domain barriers. Or maybe it was just some powerful spatial attack.

Although nobody knew what type it was, since it originated from the Dao of Space, reducing the amount of space available for it to use would be the best way to deal with it. This was also why Tang Jie had used various methods to restrict the battle to within Heavenly Balance Mountain.

He dearly hoped that the Jewel Immortal Sovereign's Dao Art was a movement-type Dao Art, which would be of no use under these conditions.

Alas, the heavens were not looking out for him this time.

Gale of Dancing Void!

From the name alone, Tang Jie k

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Translator Notes

Turns out the Jewel Immortal Sovereign has a second phase! And Tang Jie's all out of mana and health potions.

Novel Notes

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