Chapter 815: Battle Against Soul Projection (4)
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 815: Battle Against Soul Projection (4)

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


Heaven-engulfing power came down like a tsunami that reached toward the heavens.

When the Jewel Immortal Sovereign unleashed all her might, everyone sensed just how terrifying her power really was, and they began to put themselves in Tang Jie's shoes, speculating on whether they could block this attack and how long they could do it for.

That deluge of Divine Connections put the power of a Soul Projection Celestial Sovereign on full display. If she were allowed to continue, she could even punch a hole through the heavens themselves.

The Infinite Palace groaned under the weight of all these attacks.

While the Five Elements Dao power was sturdy, it was not endless. Tang Jie could sense his Dao power quickly draining, the Dao Runes in his body dimming.

The Infinite Palace had once shattered from eleven of the Jewel Immortal Sovereign's fingers, and it seemed like she was about to repeat her feat.

But this time, Tang Jie wasn't restricted to just helplessly watching.

Standing on the raised platform, Tang Jie howled and unleashed seven Ten Extinctions Blade in a row at the Jewel Immortal Sovereign. These Ten Extinctions Blades were particularly powerful, wreathed in the Pale Cloud Flame.

This flame was a supreme sacred flame once possessed by the Flame Celestial Sovereign, but in the past, Tang Jie had been unable to use its full power. As Tang Jie had grown in power, so had the Pale Cloud Flame, and it was no weaker than any other sacred flame. As the flame swept out, it transformed into countless fire birds and beasts to attack Jewel.

Jewel laughed. "You know I have a sacred beast that can eat flames, yet you still dare to try this?"

As she spoke, her original body slapped the Ink Jade wagon, upon which the nine Fireglass Snakes lunged at the Pale Cloud Flame.

The Fireglass Snakes loved to eat fire, and they could even swallow the Pale Cloud Flame without a problem, so they directly countered Tang Jie's flame attack.

Tang Jie laughed. "I know you have fir

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Translator Notes

The Jewel Immortal Sovereign is finally using her Dao Art! Can Tang Jie survive?

Novel Notes

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