Chapter 814: Battle Against Soul Projection (3)
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 814: Battle Against Soul Projection (3)

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


The moment Reflections of Floating Life was used, Tang Jie's form filled up the world.

The combined might of thousands of Tang Jies made even the Jewel Immortal Sovereign turn a little more grave, and she inwardly praised Tang Jie as a peerless genius for being able to create such a Dao Art.

Two hundred years of training had turned the Reflections of Floating Life from being primarily made up of illusions to having real ones mixed among the illusions.

Blasts of wind, ice, flame, and blades rained down, seeking to wipe out the entire world.

The Jewel Immortal Sovereign saw all this and simply smiled.

The Hand of Myriad Wonders closed and then opened again.

This simple motion seemed like a flower blooming, layer after layer, one flower blooming to reveal another flower within it, forever and ever. This simple closing and opening contained countless mysteries, the secrets of the Great Dao.

Through this hand, that terrifying storm of spell arts disappeared, and not only that, even all of Tang Jie's clones vanished, flickering out like candles blown out by the wind.

The Jewel Immortal Sovereign declared, "The Reflections of Floating Life is nothing at all."

"Is that so?" Tang Jie said with a smile.

Jewel froze, for this voice had come from behind her.

Jewel immediately put all her energy into defense, but it was too late.

A steely fist smashed right into her back.

Even though the Jewel Immortal Sovereign had set up almost a hundred layers of defense through thoughtcasting, that punch blasted through them as if they were made of paper, and the impact made the Jewel Immortal Sovereign throw up blood. The crystalline drops of blood rained down from the heavens, so rich with energy that even those outside Heavenly Balance Mountain could feel it. Thus, all the plant life within the valley instantly began to thrive and grow.

The fist wanted to go farther, but an azure ball of light appeared around Jewel, staving off Tang Jie's attack.

The Jewel Immortal Sover

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Translator Notes

Turns out the Jewel Immortal Sovereign has three avatars! Which I suppose makes Tang Jie outnumbered in this fight.

Novel Notes

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