Chapter 948- Bluewater
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 948- Bluewater

Ye Zhongming’s teeth hurt. Although the beast egg was decent, it wasn’t what he needed. Now, he only had enough crystals for one last spin.

He didn’t even check what the egg was and just kept it.

Although he didn’t get the seven-star potion or the Bluewater Fishing Boat, but the beast egg was unique. It disappeared from the wheel, and he was left with four choices.

Ye Zhongming took a deep breath and began his final spin.

The four rewards spun quickly. Ye Zhongming felt like this wheel was just teasing him, and the duration of this spin was extremely long.

When the needle started to slow, his eyebrows rose. Was it going to stop on the potion?

From the normal angle, that was the best reward. He could accept it if he got a seven-star potion.

But things often went against what you wished. The needle missed the evolution potion and stopped on that… Fishing Boat.

Ye Zhongming shook his head and picked up the ship model. He placed it to the side, and the boat recovered to its usual size.

This should be a mixed-structure fishing boat. The body was made of unknown metal and wood. At the same time, it was blue-grade equipment.

This was the highest grade that could come out of a level seven wheel.

After Ye Zhongming got it, it disappeared from the wheel.

It was 20 meters long, and the pilot room was wrapped in brown wood. It was fully sealed and surrounded by transparent glass. The deck was around ⅔ of the ship's length, and the ship's body was silver.

Ye Zhongming jumped on and took a look. There wasn’t an engine room, and there was only a platform. It had holes similar to those of wheels. He tried, and the level four crystal failed. Only level five crystals could move the ship. Moreover, there were five holes, which meant that only after putting five level five crystals would the ship finally move.

The cabin was split into two. One was a water prison. It was just a giant fenced-in pool. There wasn’t any water there now, and the fence was open. A metal cage to the side of it was also opened up.

Ye Zhongming k

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