Chapter 947- Breeze Battle Dress
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 947- Breeze Battle Dress

Due to the bounty, Cloud Peak had a very detailed list of the wheels around Cloud Peak. Their locations, the rewards, the number of crystals needed for each spin, and the battle squad’s territory it was in were all recorded.

Xia Lei knew that Ye Zhongming would study these details while resting after crafting equipment or spinning wheels. She knew that his guy was trying to find some sequences that might exist from them.

“This ship?”

Xia Lei looked at the information that had been confirmed by Cloud Peak members and still didn’t understand.

“What do you want a ship for?”

There wasn’t much water near Cloud Peak, so what was the point of a ship?

Xia Lei recalled something.

“You want to give it to the Cloud Port Division?”

Ye Zhongming nodded, “I don’t know what Little Peng’s situation is like. That place has been established for some time. Although news has spread back, it is inefficient. At least, during the last transmission, that area was still in the fishing stage. Their rewards are restricted, so things will be different with this ship.”

Ye Zhongming deemed that place as Cloud Peak’s top provision area. Although the secret realm would replace it, but it would be ranked second.

Moreover, the ocean lifeform materials couldn’t be replaced.

“Meat Metal?”

Xia Lei blinked, and she was delighted after getting Ye Zhongming’s praise.

“Although I can use our materials to craft green equipment, but the skills are weaker than those blueprint equipment. I want to turn Xia Bai’s squad full green. I think Thousand Leaf Phosphor Armor is the most suitable.”

Ye Zhongming looked at the details and analyzed the pros and cons.

“This wheel is… East Mountain Village?”

Xia Lei nodded and looked at the information: “Since Uncle Hai disappeared, mutated plants have occupied that place. As these things aren’t strong and there are many of them, it is quite problematic to deal with, so no one hunted there. Someone used binoculars to see the wheel and gave us the details. We sent people to confirm that there is a blueprint o

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