Chapter 938- Bold people are rich
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 938- Bold people are rich

The outcome of the battle came out three days later.

Ye Zhongming looked at the three full sheets of paper with mixed emotions.

What he was worried about was the losses.

The Posthumous people sent 300 thousand, not including those that were slightly injured and those who could recover; 30 thousand of them were handicapped, with 15 thousand dead.

This meant that nearly 50 thousand of the Posthumous people had lost their ability to fight.

Posthumous people were loyal and courageous and were the best warriors. Sometimes, even Cloud Peak’s warriors were respectful of them.

But they had a weakness: They were single-minded when fighting. Their equipment was backward, and they didn’t have abilities like those evolved on Earth.

This was the reason why they had such huge losses. The other reason was because there were too many of them.

The second highest losses were the Ying City warriors. There were over ten thousand handicapped and 30 thousand dead—around 45 thousand losses.

Those losses mainly occurred when they were helping Cloud Peak defend. At the start, around 70-80% of those who helped Cloud Peak defend were dead.

Next was Cloud Peak…

He looked at the numbers, and his body hurt.

Seven thousand one hundred twenty died, 650 handicapped, 1161 missing.

The reason why they were listed as missing was because no one had seen those corpses. In truth, they were basically dead. Posthumous people and Ying City’s numbers treated those missing as dead.

As for why the number of handicapped was so low, it was because those warriors had a huge sense of belonging. Even if they lost parts of their bodies, they chose to fight to the death. Those who survived were knocked out and dragged back. Few of them chose to leave the battlefield by themselves.

Although not all the dead were warriors, there were some technical members, logistics, and family, but Cloud Peak didn’t have a high population, so this was a heavy blow.

Over half of the other squads were lost besides Xia Lei and Xia Bai’s teams. The few that defended in C

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