Chapter 910- Revenge storm
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 910- Revenge storm

A golden metal spread from beneath Yellow Ball’s feet, wrapping the surrounding zombies in golden water.

Many people saw how those zombies struggled while being wrapped in a layer of golden liquid and were terrified. It wasn’t hard to imagine how much pain they were in.

This was Yellow Ball’s Gilded Ocean.

The level eight beast looked at it, and its body stopped. It didn’t know what had happened, and it looked warily.

To be honest, if the level eight beast faced Yellow Ball when both were healthy, the big dog would lose. But if it wanted to flee, it could do so. Moreover, if they fought to the death, Yellow Ball could use its speed and agility, as well as series of talent skills, to have a chance of winning.

Like now, Gilden Ocean made this level-eight beast feel a sense of danger.

The people on the walls who thought that Yellow Ball was having its final gamble felt like things weren’t right.

This skill lasted for too long, and it covered a huge area.

They thought that Yellow Ball’s ability would only wrap lifeforms a few dozen meters around and turn them into golden statues.

But what happened now? It had exceeded 50 meters. The golden liquid drowned at least a thousand zombies. Those closest to it stopped moving and were dead.

At least one level seven zombie was among them, and it was still unable to break free. Its struggle slowed, and it was losing its life.

Could one skill actually kill so many enemies? Among them were zombies on the same level as it. That was quite terrifying.

Many Ying City and Posthumous people warriors saw Yellow Ball fight for the first time and were shocked.

“Not right, not right, look at Yellow Ball’s body!”

A person pointed at Yellow Ball and shouted. Everyone saw the golden liquid retract back onto Yellow Ball’s body.

Yellow Ball was dyed gold!

This state was different from its golden fur from before. This gold was similar to the skill that it used to kill the zombies. It looked like it was wrapped in it!

This didn’t happen previously when Yellow Ball used this skill.

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