Chapter 909- Yellow Ball, Yellow Ball
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 909- Yellow Ball, Yellow Ball

Although they didn’t know how Liang Chuyin and the others were, they were on the walls.

Yellow Ball had fallen into the zombie horde.

Yellow Ball was still in his enlarged body state. His body was huge. With his momentum and the metal beast tools that it wore, although tattered, it still managed to smash many zombies.

Of course, thanks to the zombies for cushioning its fall; if not, Yellow Ball would have probably died.

But, these zombie bodies weren’t flesh and were evolved special parts. These things also stabbed into Yellow Ball’s body. Although its bones didn’t break, more holes appeared.

Yellow Ball had suffered many attacks previously, from the cannon zombie’s liquid to the mutated porcupine’s spikes to the attack of the level eight lifeform. Along with this fall, Yellow Ball was already severely injured. It had never been so bad since Glory Army had sneak attacked it.

Yellow Ball knew what it would face to toss its master onto the walls. After falling, it stood up and waved its thick claws, ripping dozens of zombies into pieces. It flapped its giant tail and caused many zombie heads to explode.

But the zombies beside it pounced at it.

When Yellow Ball, Xia Bai, and Ye Zhongming were about to fall here, many zombies charged over, hoping to get some level-seven lifeform meat. Many dense zombies and a portion of the high-level ones were also here.

Yellow Ball attacked, but it was also hit. Various talent skills landed on it. Even though it had a level seven body, it was sent flying.

Large amounts of blood flowed from its body. Its wounds looked terrifying.

Some metal balls flew from his side and cleared the zombies that tried to pounce at it.

The attacks of the level eight zombies were strong, but the attacks of the level seven Yellow Ball were also sharp.

It stood up. The scythe that was in its mouth swung as it moved. After knocking two zombies aside, a huge level-six zombie grabbed it. The giant force caused Yellow Ball to lose control of its body.

It used Shadow Forest Stab. Along with the Fir

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