Chapter 896- Seven star
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 896- Seven star

Xia Lei was calm as she stood around the fire and was surrounded by cries, but Park Xiuying bit her lips and was lost.

The team didn’t head back to Cloud Peak. Instead, they arced towards it, and there were many small human bases on this arc.

This was one of them.

This was already the fifth base that they had struck. Any evolve that dared to resist would be killed. Those terrified evolved would be held hostage and forced to continue with the party.

Over two thousand people were forced to follow them. They heard that there were over 15 such bases ahead of them.

Usually, Park Xiuying would stop Xia Lei even if she was the most powerful person in Cloud Peak apart from Ye Zhongming.

Although Cloud Peak was similar to others in the apocalypse, where their path to getting strong would be covered in blood, each person, including Park Xiuying, would have killed many.

But they were passive. They killed because their enemies attacked them. Park Xiuying’s mentality had changed, and she didn’t mind that.

But these people didn’t offend Cloud Peak, and they were being destroyed.

This was something she couldn’t accept.

But she didn’t stop her as she knew that Sister Lei was doing so because of Cloud Peak. It was just that her methods were slightly cruel.

Right, Park Xiuying knew that there weren’t any innocent people in the apocalypse. These people might look sad and despairing, but they had sneak-attacked other humans last night. They robbed their corpses.

She remembered the words Xia Lei had told her after they had attacked the first base. Xia Lei told her that if she was her, would she not do the same?

Park Xiuying thought about it for a long time and realized she would make the same choice even if she didn’t want to.

She would choose Cloud Peak’s survival and the death of others.

Since that was the case, she persuaded herself not to hesitate, but she could not calm down. She felt like she was still too soft.

The team quickly swept this base and started moving towards the next. They would arrive in just two hou

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