Chapter 897- Soul Artifact
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 897- Soul Artifact

Ye Zhongming wanted to use a soul technique.

After the Soul Refining Technique reached the top level, Ye Zhongming was busy with other things. He was either working with the Posthumous people or helping Cloud Peak. His time was all spent crafting weapons.

Now that he had time and Cloud Peak was safe due to the 200,000 warriors helping to defend it, he had no worries, and his desire to craft soul technique equipment couldn’t be stopped.

To him, this was a new attempt.

When creating ordinary equipment, Ye Zhongming did think about creating new things and making some small soul technique equipment like the one Ah Tao was wearing. He had also asked Ah Tao about it.

Although Ah Tao taught him about it, he was not confident. He had never created medium—to big-sized soul technique equipment. Moreover, his material was a level nine beast material. He didn’t even dare use it to craft equipment. This was the outline of a purple piece of equipment. He wanted to see how strong soul equipment could be.

At the same time, he wanted to prove his question. Could the soul equipment that he crafted be judged by the wheel??

If not, it would be okay, as it proved that soul techniques were unique to Blue Secret Realm and independent of the wheel system. But if it could, then… Ye Zhongming could prove some thoughts he had.

Creating soul equipment was much more straightforward than creating other equipment, as there was only one step: merging mental energy into materials.

It seemed simple, but Ye Zhongming knew succeeding wasn’t easy.

Firstly, the materials were hard to find.

The materials for crafting soul equipment differed from those of ordinary equipment. After all, they were going to be the mediums for mental energy, so they needed to be tough and neutral.

Typically, the materials that satisfied these conditions were at least intermediate demon monster teeth or spines or advanced demon monster teeth or bigger bone parts.

For example, Ah Tao’s bracelet was made from the teeth of demon monsters.

Next, it would be mental e

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