Chapter 887- Iron Tower Hut
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 887- Iron Tower Hut

Iron Tower Hut was a famous place in Lingshan Suburbs as it was an intel station.

The two iron towers were a drying facility of a certain factory. People connected them with bricks and iron in the apocalypse and used it as an airbase. The faction either shifted or was wiped out, but this place became empty.

After people found it, due to the strong defense, it became a place where survivors rested. After a time, it became an intel station. People would sell or buy intel here and use the news to profit.

Don’t underestimate this place. A piece of news might mean an evolution potion. Like, where did a horde of zombies appear? It might not be valuable for a small faction, but for a faction of thousands, this was a huge piece of meat. They would set up traps and easily hunt the zombies.

Paying a percent of your profit was a good deal.

Don’t think that there was no honesty in the apocalypse. Greed and betrayals did happen all the time, but under certain situations, people in the apocalypse cared more about reputation in the apocalypse.

In these few days, the Iron Tower Hut was filled. The factions around loved to head here and didn’t want to miss the latest news.

“How long has Cloud Peak fought for?”

A big guy drank a cup of beer, and after burping, he wiped his mouth. The liquid splashed on his pants.

The thin middle-aged man sitting beside him rested on the thick walls and knocked the table, “Who cares? What we care about is when the battle ends!”

“To be honest, Cloud Peak really is strong. So many days have passed, and it is still holding on. If so many mutated zombies attacked us, we can’t last more than three days.”

An old man saw the big guy drinking. He sniffed and was thirsty. He gulped and wondered what he could use to trade for some beer.

“Three days? Old Pi, that's wishful thinking. With our strength, can we last three days? We can’t even last three hours!”

The one speaking was a clean young man. When he spoke of Cloud Peak, his eyes were filled with envy and respect.

“Someone sent news that there

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