Chapter 888- Kill them all
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 888- Kill them all

Yuan Shang felt complicated when he saw Ye Zhongming.

He was the landlord of this place in the past, and Ye Zhongming was an outsider. Although he was very strong when he brought people here, at that time, he was on the same level as Ye Zhongming.

But after some time, Ye Zhongming, who occupied Cloud Peak, rose with his people. Overnight, they became the strongest faction nearby and took control.

Ying City, as well as the towns around it, became his territory.

Even Lingshan City, which wasn’t too close to Ying City, was also deeply influenced by Cloud Peak, and many Cloud Peak factions infiltrated the area.

If nothing happened to Cloud Peak this time, this palace would turn into their private hunting ground in less than half a year.

Yuan Shang was unhappy after working with Cloud Peak twice as he had to listen to them. He was prideful and chose to develop in the area. He even created the illusion that he died so that Cloud Peak wouldn’t notice him. It was effective, but when Lu Yi led Cloud Peak’s enormous merchant squad to spread in the surrounding area, his business plummeted.

Cloud Peak had everything he had and was even cheaper than him. Cloud Peak also had things he didn’t, so he couldn’t compare them to them.

Under such a situation, he could only walk further and further.

At a certain time, he felt like he wouldn’t return to Cloud Peak’s territory.

But he was tempted when news of Cloud Peak almost being wiped spread to his ears. He didn’t want to give up on the giant market here, so he brought people back to take a look. He came to Iron Tower Hut because there was more news here.

Who knew that he would bump into Ye Zhongming?

Wasn’t he in Cloud Peak? Or did he use some methods to flee here?

But before thinking deeper, he felt like someone had lifted him.

Although the kings didn’t return, they sent their helpers, who were level-six warriors.

They walked out of the black hole and were shocked by what they saw.

Although the sky was dark, they saw thick clouds. This was much brighter than Blue Sec

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