Chapter 870- Trading blows
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 870- Trading blows

Hong Xiang was really frustrated.

He thought he just needed to act and fake his frustration, but he didn’t expect to be really frustrated.

How was Flame Dove so strong?

Hong Xiang didn’t understand why a level-eight person like him was much stronger than him.

It was as if that fist had come from space; he couldn’t dodge even if he wanted to.

This differed from Ye Zhongming’s ability, which made his body heavy. That ability was a restraint, while Flame Dove’s power was helplessness.

You knew the fist was there, but you couldn’t dodge it.

Hong Xiang knew that if it was someone else, even a level seven king, he wouldn’t be able to dodge and would get killed in one strike. He was only barely able to shift his body away.

He lost feeling in his left arm.

One must know that he wore two defensive pieces of equipment.

He felt better after he spat out some blood, but the sharp killing intent covered him once again, and he wanted to curse.

Why was he being targeted? There was another young man that he could attack.

But this was a crucial moment, so Hong Xiang used all his strength.

Hong Xiang sensed the danger and didn’t even look. He pressed the arm that could still move onto the ground to slide away.

Flame Dove’s fist punched into the position he was at. Stone shrapnel scattered and flew around the tent.

The two-digit number of blade illusions arrived behind him.

Flame Dove felt like it was a waste. He didn’t care about his image. He bent his body and wanted to do the exact same thing as Hong Xiang. He wanted to grab the ground and charge forward. As long as he managed to raise his fists again, he could kill Hong Xiang.

Typically speaking, Flame Dove had a decent plan. He was much stronger than his two opponents, so he could face their attacks calmly. He would hold the upper hand without any unexpected attacks until the battle ended.

But he still underestimated Ye Zhongming.

Flame Dove’s body suddenly stopped. It was as if a huge power was pressing onto his body such that his movement was paused.


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