Chapter 869- Situation isn't good
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 869- Situation isn't good

Neal looked at the warriors surge forwards with a serious expression.

The elders of the race stood there. They looked at the Imperial City, which had suddenly become busy, and they were worried.

“King, are we… Really going to do this?”

An elder with a high status couldn’t help but ask Neal.

“We are betting with the entire future of the race, even their lives. King, if we lose…”

“Then we will leave!”

Neal interrupted the elder’s words.

“King Black Pillar and King Simu have left. Hong Xiang is on Ye Zhongming’s side. How many are left in the city?”

Neal obviously didn’t want them to reply. There were only a few kings, and they could count them by hand.

“Four are left. How many king-level people does Saint Light Hall have?” Neal gave a self-mocking laugh, “Right, only those who reach level eight have power. Based on what I know, apart from the saintess and the Saint Father, their three army commanders and deputies are all level eight. That means nine of them. Even if not all of them came, at least five will. There are also several level seven experts. Do you think we can defend the Imperial City?”

The elders were silent. Although they knew that the Saint Light Hall was strong, the fact that the Imperial City had never fallen gave them some hope.

But when they heard Neal’s words, their hearts sank.

Right, the Imperial City could stand because the Posthumous people used all their might to defend him. Although they suffered heavy losses, they never failed.

But this time, half of the kings would leave, so how would they defend themselves? If their experts charged onto the walls, they wouldn’t have enough power to defend. Wouldn’t the Imperial City get broken through?

“But, shouldn’t we unify the remaining people?”


Neal stopped this person, “Unify the remaining people? We know we are going to lose, and we still stay here to die? And then our whole race gets wiped?”

The others stopped speaking. They could fight for the Posthumous people, but others might not. When the other king races didn’t play

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